Friday, September 16, 2011

Water System for a Greenhouse

Currently at Merom, there is one giant big tank outside the facility for hot water circulation. The water is heated in the boiler room using natural gas instead of the wood burner since it's more cost efficient.  That tank is part of the enclosed heating system for the entire facility, including phase 1, 2 and 3. All the water is circulated, and the tank contains sensors for both the temperature and the water level. If the water level is below a certain level, alarm will notify the facility. The tank also contains 9 temperature sensors, making sure the water is not boiling but kept at a relatively high temperature, around 92-98 Celcius.The water must not boil since it's an enclosed system and the air is not pressurized in the tank.

Hot Water Tank
If the water level drops below a certain level, then we know there is a leakage somewhere in the system since everything is enclosed and all water does not escape. Natural gas is used to heat up the water, and it mixes with cold water in a mixing valve to obtain the desire temperature before sending the water off to the heating pipes to heat up the greenhouse.

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