Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Clipping Cucumbers on Wire

Kyra clipping cucumber plant on wire.
When a cucumber plant is long, we throw it over and wrap around the wire, similar to twiddling except we twiddle the cucumber plant's head around the wire.  When the plants are young, wrapping it around the wire once is suffice, and then clip the area near the head, where we let the head start growing downwards.  If the plant is longer, it may be necessary to wrap it two to three times more around the wire before using clips.

Sometimes, when the plant is older, they start to sag downwards from the wire if the string supporting the plant is not properly twiddled and tied to the wire correctly.  A clip has to be applied there in order to prevent the plant from tearing and splitting from the weight of the plant and the sharp wire.  Another clip should also be applied at the other end where the plant will continue to grow downwards so the plant looks like it is growing around a door frame.  One clip is the minimum for a plant, and it is usually applied at where the head of the plant will be growing down, though two clips per plant is just as common in order for the plant to have a door frame shape if the plant is sagging away from the support string.

A clip is only needed on the right corner because
the left corner is strongly supported by the string.

A sagging plant on the left corner,
a clip will have to be added.

After applying clip to the left corner.
There are two ways to apply the clip:  One can apply the clip to the wire and then gently allocate and push the  stem into the clip, or one can clip the plant first and then clip to the wire.  Either way works, but wearing gloves for the hand that is holding the clip helps a lot in navigating through the thorny leaves and stems of the plant.  Two gloves are not recommended since one can accidentally break a stem when clipping a plant.  The ungloved hand should be used to allocate the plant gently into the clip.

Take note to not impede any growing cucumber's growth when clipping.  Growing cucumbers and their stems should not be in the clip.  The clips are reusable and can be removed be simply turning the clip to the left or right and then push up, like a counterclockwise or clockwise motion.

A good example of properly clipped plant.
Two clips support the heaviest points.

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