Sunday, September 4, 2011

Beneficial Insects vs. Pests

Some bugs inflict damage on plants, and some bugs supplement plants' well-being.  The following table shows the type of bugs and what they do to the plants.

Image Name Description
- Bee Beneficial/Neutral. Pollinates flowers. Cucumbers don't need pollination, but tomatoes need pollination for fruition.
- Earwig Neutral. Eats some insects and plants, but not harmful to cucumbers/tomatoes.
- Grasshopper Detrimental. Eats plants.
- Ladybug Beneficial. Eats something bad (need to ask Kyra).
- Phytoseiulus persimilis Beneficial. Eats spider mites.
- Spider Neutral. Eats both beneficial bugs and pests.
- Spider mite Detrimental. Lays eggs and produces webs on plant leaves to suffocate the plant to death.

Whitefly Detrimental.  Releases toxic saliva when feed on phloem, which cause the plant to lose tugor pressure.  Carries diseases to infect plants.
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