Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Importance of Space and other Needs for Plants

  From what Carl has taught us about understanding the plants' needs, we need to imagine and to relate ourselves to plants:  If we are a plant in a greenhouse, what would we need?  For example, there will be weeks of hot weather during summer, and how would we know if the greenhouse is too hot?  The answer is simple: If we, the workers in the greenhouse, can feel the heat and the need to cool down and drink more water, the plants will need to as well.

  As silly as it may sound initially, treating plants as someone like us is easier for us to understand their needs.  Space for plants must not be neglected - cramming too many plants per square meter will result in plants not getting enough sunlight in the future.  We all want huge output,but 2.5 - 2.6 plants per meter squared seems to be the recommended density.

  Plants do get stressed out as well.  According to Kyra, when the weather gets very hot, ~27 degrees celcius and above, plants are usually stressing at that point.  If we pick or prune or twiddle when the plants are stressing, it usually results in the plants "giving up" and they end up not producing anymore output.  This is important to note, and it is the reason why workers do not usually do anything with the plants after 2pm, which is when it gets really hot.

  Plants also need sufficient space above them called buffer.  Note the picture below:  The space above the plants' heads to the beams supporting the roof is the buffer zone.  Buffers are important for the air to mix inside the greenhouse for stable and equal temperature and heat throughout the greenhouse, which is aided by fans hanging above the plants.  The larger the buffer, the better it is for the plants.  For example, tomatoes need huge buffers to prevent their heads from overheating and killing the plant since they grow very tall. 

Poly sheets covering that is used for protecting against
scorching sunny days or containing the heat
inside the greenhouse during cold weathers.

  Notice the sheets that is being dragged slowly to the right.  This poly sheet wears out every 2 years and needs to be replaced.  It protects the greenhouse from heavy sun rays and also prevents the heat from leaving the greenhouse during cold days. 

More sheets at the side, but this is always there and
only replaced and taken down during clean up.
Note the generous buffer zone for the plants.

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