Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Worker Motivation

  As an important step for management, we need to motivate the workers to produce the best output.  The most direct way is compensation because physical laborers tend to be money-driven (since there is no other job satisfaction factor).  Last year, Merom farm compensated the pickers a penny for every kilogram they picked.  So scales were located in the greenhouse, and pickers weighed their bin whenever they finished their rows.  Carl said this idea was stupid because the measuring process was a huge waste of time, which is imaginable because there must be some sort of oversight to prevent cheating.  Since the beginning of this year, Ranjit, the HR guy in Merom keeps track of three levels of workers: fast, medium, and slow.  Each type of workers get equal wage, but the bonus at the end of the year differs by the level.

  The latter compensation system works much better than the former, but workers' compensation in the latter system depends on the HR's judgement, which can very well be biased.  We will brainstorm more ideas on worker motivation program to ensure motivated workers that can result in optimum profit.

  As a miscellaneous info, one girl last year got compensated some amount between $140,000 ~ $160,000.  This means she picked 140-160 tonnes last year.  Say she picked 150 tonnes, then she would had had to pick 150,000 / 365 = 410kg everyday.  That's a lot of bell peppers for a single worker, and there are about 13 pickers in 15 acre of land (and 19 more pruners).  It only gets exciting when you do the math for the total production in weight per day per the entire greenhouse...

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